April 30, 2023

Toomsuba, MS

The five hour, 231 mile journey was uneventful with I-59 being a straight run to the horizon again and again through vast scenic stretches of pine/oak forests. The scenery included an occasional exit with nothing but a sign indicating the town's existence. Other than that, woodland all around. This became worrisome as my fuel gauge approached the nightmare of "E." It was about 75 miles into Mississippi that I came upon Poplarville and was able to fill up both stomach and fuel tank with diesel at $3.849. Let me rephrase that. Food went into stomach, diesel went into fuel tank. Thanks for catching that.

Most of my time driving was spent thinking about "Toomsuba," just 8 miles west of the Alabama state border.  With the 2020 census showing a population of 778, what could this KOA campground provide as local attractions? In addition, with the change in my itinerary omitting a visit to Texas, how was I to fill my time with a seven day stay here? My research shows that Toomsuba is the name of a creek derived from the Choctaw language meaning "blue pigeon hawk" or "fish hawk."

Off I-59, the campground set in about two miles, the familiar yellow KOA welcomed. Immediately, I could tell this campground was well run and maintained...they usually are. It's a rare occasion that I'm disappointed with a KOA campground.

My back-in site #39 was close to the office/store/showers/laundry and...

...in my section, not populated at all. Spacious sites with, thankfully, old, tall pines left to provide a shady canopy. No, George would not like it.

So, visiting neighbors was not going to be an option.

Ever vigilant with a terrific RADAR APP, I'm constantly checking weather conditions. So anticipating the upcoming storm, I kept awning and chairs in.

This view at 8:45 p.m. the night of my arrival, produced not a drop. The rain, heavy at times with a thunderclap or two only started at 7 am the next day and lasted only three hours.

My rainy day activity was spent researching and remotely learning about the local attractions suggested by the campground's brochure. For those who plan to include Toomsuba/Meridian in their itinerary of bucket list locations, I've provided short videos in addition to websites of what to expect with each description. I hope you find it helpful.

Get a tour HERE.

The Dentzel Carousel Company established in 1887.

See it in action HERE

The Jimmie Rodgers Museum

Guitar lover? Take the tour HERE

And listen to the "Singing Brakeman" or the "Blue Yodeler" perform his classic song HERE

Take a 6 minute tour HERE
My second night was pretty much a repeat. And a repeat it was. Radar was scary enough for anyone to go into "Better safe than sorry" mode, so in came the awning, hatches were battened down and...not a drop all night. Distant thunder indicated folks north of me were getting slammed. Winnie was spared.

This place is so quiet and peaceful; a wonderful opportunity to take advantage and just relax. With a load of laundry, a hot shower and some baking completed, the sunny skies, temps in the mid 70's allowed me to successfully push the reality of returning home out of my mind for awhile.

Experimented with Jiffy's Corn Muffin Mix. To the contents of the box I added the required 1/4 cup of milk and one egg (I used equivalent 1/3 cup Egg Beaters; works just as well). To this I added a splash of vanilla, cinnamon and knowing friend Ray wasn't going to get any, a 1/2 cup of raisins). Baked for 30 minutes at 400º.

It came out perfect! A warm slice or two with a smear of butter and a cup of coffee was a delicious, mid afternoon delight.

Other than spending time watching radar in the evenings, the days have been absolutely perfect. Defining "perfect" is challenging when you are pushed for details. What constitutes a "perfect day" for you? Let me know in the comments below. On Sunday, I gave that some thought and reflected (which is always nice to do on a Sunday):
  • There's nothing on your "to-do" list. All chores and responsibilities are taken care of. No place to be and no time set for you to be there.
  • The day's weather gift consists of the sun shining, the temperature at 72°, no clouds in the sky; there's a slight breeze and you can smell the fresh air when inhaling.
  • You're sitting beneath tall shady pines and birds are singing; there's even an occasional croak from a nearby bullfrog. There is no road/traffic noise. It's just plain ol' quiet. The occasional train whistle is distant enough for me to wander and return to my childhood growing up in Peekskill. To me, it's soothing.
  • You're not hungry or thirsty; there's no dining out and your drinks are all to your liking, be they wine, gin & tonics or Malibu rum cocktails.
  • Your mind is enjoying the peaceful serenity of a quiet environment with very few motorhomes in sight, the owners of which you've yet to see or hear; your mind is kept active as you go through your daily mental rituals of working on puzzles like Wordle, Crosswords, Words With Friends, Cryptograms and 2248 (an iPhone app).
  • You are at ease and smile with pride each time you give thought, thanks and praise for your family; for your son, daughter, their spouses and their children, my grandchildren.

Total relaxation such as this is difficult to come by; so much so, that when you experience it, you are in awe, give thanks of appreciation and wish all could experience it in their own way. And yes. This is what you do when "you have too much time on your hands." Thank you, I'll take it any day.

However, there is a reality that bursts these little bubbles in my happy place. Ahead of me are Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania and, at last home, New York. 1,100 miles with five more campgrounds to experience and one cavern to explore. I will combine most of them into one blog post with sections for each to highlight the experience. The drive? I'm looking forward to it...that's the journey.

I am uplifted and excited knowing that the end of my 2023 Winter Adventure will be followed almost immediately with my 2023 Summer Adventure. Campgrounds and trips are already booked and paid for right up to October, 2023. These include Croton Point Park, of course,  Harpursville, NY, Thousand Islands at Alexandria Bay, NY, Searsport, ME and Narragansett, RI with room for more.

Thanks for joining my on this last leg of my journey. Hope you enjoyed the trip. Next blog coming in May. Meanwhile enjoy the trips and memories of friend, Vicki, as she records her adventures. Her blog can be found HERE. Till next time, stay safe and be happy.

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” ― Gustave Flaubert


  1. Anonymous4/30/2023

    You are one lucky man to be able to do this! I enjoy your blogs and continue to enjoy yourself!

    1. Thanks so much. So nice to hear AND, as I've said many times...no one knows better than I how fortunate I am and have been.

  2. Anonymous5/01/2023

    I know you run on ample amounts of gas but when you said you "filled up with diesel", I became worried. Glad you set me straight. Looks like a really nice KOA there. Thanks for taking me along. Enjoy it, Charlie.

  3. Helen Anders5/01/2023

    Loved the Jimmy Rogers Museum and the carousel (have fond childhood memories of riding up and down the horses). Glad you didn't encounter any real weather threats! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  4. Ha! Yeah, I could've rewritten it but how else can I tell if anyone reads these things. LOL. Glad you enjoy the trips.

  5. Anonymous5/01/2023

    Good thing you didn’t need anything from Walmart. Closest one probably 100 miles away, like where we are. 😮 ~ vc

  6. Correct. There ain't nuttin nearby. Fortunately, I'm leaving Wednesday with a shopping list. Will check what's on my route.

  7. Anonymous5/04/2023

    Loved the store and it was huge. I know exactly what you are saying about peace and quiet and having no plans. Winter was busier here in Florida with friends, but traffic has gotten bad. My health is back to normal. I leave for Ireland 6/23 for 5 weeks. I’m looking forward to having no real plans. Walking, eating in the pubs and a cuppa once in awhile with people I met in past trips. Looking forward to your next blog, as usual. Be safe.
