October 29, 2023

10/21 to 10/31 Croton Point Park

 Croton Point

RV Park

October 21st to October 31st

Another wet weekend for a drive from Point A to Point B. I'm told for the area, it was the seventh straight rainy weekend. No matter. My mind was busy re-arranging my new found time at home before heading south for the next six months. 

It was good to be back at CPP...my home away from home. Neighbor Diane came to pick me up at CPP so I could have my Caddy to run the many errands on tap. Site 59 on the east side of the road will keep Winnie toasty warm with the afternoon sun coming through the windshield. Temps will average 48º during my ten day stay.

And what a whirlwind week it was. Fourteen "things to do" on my calendar were all accomplished which, if you're a list keeper, is a very satisfying feeling.
  • Had six lunch/dinner dates and got to see nine friends/family while enjoying Italian and sushi;
  • All caught up on four doctor appointments including establishing a new primary care physician, thus enabling me to renew and obtain meds for my trip south;
  • Shopping for basics and replenishing supplies needed to operate Winnie in addition to getting haircut, doing laundry and securing my apartment;
  • Winnie's gray and black water tanks are drained and flushed; fresh water tank filled.
CPP was pretty well inhabited for what I thought was late in the season. Sunday, the 29th was a day of a mass exodus. I'm leaving Tuesday, the 31st. Took some photos of the goings on that I caught during my stay.
Site 59 is nestled in among the white pines whose fallen needles...

...provided a nice bedding underfoot so I didn't need to lay out my carpet

The feral cat lover was a daily visitor; not to feed it, but just to spend about ten minutes petting and stroking it. She'd even walk into the underbrush behind her to seek it out. Some days when she arrived, the cat would come and greet her.

Fortunately, one day, there was an unexpected visit from this coyote...during the day...who came out from the underbrush the cat lady went seeking her friend. Neither she nor the cat was seen during this time. A close look at this creature showed some damage.

A very messed up right rear leg. It ambled along with no noticeable limp...

...but messed up it was. A park maintenance person drove by to capture a photo but nothing transpired after that. The animal moseyed behind a couple of campers along the wooded perimeter and disappeared.

So, with that, I bid CPP, friends and New York State a fond farewell. I decided not to make my next stop in Cape Charles, Virginia, in one day...a drive of over six hours. Instead, I'll be stopping overnight at Lums Pond State Park in Bear, DE, after a three hour drive. My seven day stay in Cape Charles, Virginia will be just another 3½ hours further. Hope to see you along the way.

"The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready." — Henry David Thoreau


  1. Anonymous10/29/2023

    I absolutely LOVE your quotes. Hope you never run out of them--inspirational, clever and so on point. This was a short one, but just as sweet. To quote Michael Parks: Going down that long lonesome highway
    Bound for the mountains and the plains
    Sure ain't nothing here gonna tie me
    And I got some friends I'd like to see
    One of these days I'm gonna settle down
    But till I do I won't be hanging round
    Going down that long lonesome highway
    Gonna live life my way/. XO D

    1. Thank you, D. Never thought of things that way but it sure hits the nail on the head.

  2. Kathy ☘️10/29/2023

    You definitely are the never ending rolling stone and what fun it is traveling along with your adventures. I’ve learned a lot. I’m hoping to see you this winter when you hit my area in the the sunny south.

    1. Yes, that would be nice. You have Delray Beach, Lake Worth and Lantana to choose from. I'll be 41 days in your neck of the woods before heading west to my two month stay in Clermont.

  3. Anonymous10/29/2023

    I guess you could say...Charlie.....you were a busy camper this time around; but then, you usually are. Happy you took care of all your cares and issues, had some great dates, and are ready to greet the road once again. Life is good. "Talk" soon. Hugs, S

  4. Yes, S. For sure, a busy camper but you must add "a happy camper" as well. Life is good and again I'll exclaim to the universe, I'm thankful for being a very fortunate person.
